Attend a shamanic ceremony, set your intention and go on a transformational journey.
He took the opportunity to travel to Peru and spend a month with the Shipibo tribe on their native land in the Ukayali River region.During a month, he participated in aya- huasca ceremonies, interviewed the shamans and learned about their extraordinary knowledge of healing plants, their shamanistic lifestyle and the importance of its preservation.Besides creating a fantastic entertaining dancefloor and visual experience, the goal of this project is to raise awareness about shamanism and spark curiosity for their culture and contribute to the preservation of it.
HOW DO ICARO'S (HEALING SONGS) WORK? They act upon certainenergy centers through sound vibrations, modulating organic functions and that subconscious knowledge guides the shaman to choose the right icaro for each situation. One might say that the icaro is a pretext for the shaman to transmit his energy. It is the message transmitted in the icaro that cures the patient. In this video you can see Maestro Viktor singing one of his Icaros.
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