This revolutionary Album is a celebration of the union between masculine and feminine universal forces, mixing, sacred music, electronica with meditation and dance. All tracks are recorded in the healing frequency of 432Hz.

Made of Stars is a collaboration between Dj/Producer and dance floor wizard Leo Melcherts Jr. and Singer/ songwriter/Sound Priestess Galitta Tassa, who share the passion of the power of sound frequency and music to raise consciousness.

The Tracks:
Earth is Calling (05:25min)
Expanding Fields (03:20)
Shir Hashirim (04:34min)
Made of Stars (04:44min)
Trust Abundance (03:53min)
Inner World Peace (Ho’oponopono) (06:20min)
Shalem Mushlam (7.00)
Harvest Moon (09:09min)

This interview between Leo Melcherts and Galitta reveals the story of attraction between two forces of electronica and world music, the masculine and the feminine and the journey to unite ourselves with music, dance, and healing.

In this interview, the story of how they met and what made them create the album Made of Star is being told with a glimpse if the future of the future of sound healing and collective consciousness.
“We are investigating the magic healing of music, dance trans,chants, focused intention and sound by mixing futuristic electronics and Mythological ancient prayers and instruments.

We believe that the union of male/female, heaven and earth is what brings healing and inspiration to a new earth.

We want to taking it further with adding visuals that match this energy of union, light and vision.



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